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Our 2023/4 programme started in October :

October 18th 2023. Robert Griffiths,’ Kinmel camp in World War I'

November 15th 2023. Rhys Mwyn 'Archaeology and Sense of Place.' 

December 20th 2023. Short Talks:

Arnold Hughes ‘'Christmas Day in Ruthin Workhouse'.  

Gareth Evans "A Historical Pub Crawl  through Ruthin" 


January 24th 2024, Fiona Gale, ‘ Ruthin Castle : History, Conservation and the Future’ On-line summary soon.

February 21st 2024. Bethan Atkinson, ‘Forging ahead: the men behind the development of the Denbighshire coalfield’


March 20th 2024.Nia Higginbotham: Heddwch Nain/Mamgu - the Welsh women’s peace petition 1923.


April 17th 2024 Fiona Gale : Joseph Peers and his clock tower memorial. (Which is undergoing restoration).



1. Tom the Brush -  personal account of the life spent in institutions, including Ruthin Workhouse, by a local character. Scanned images of a booklet provided by a reader of this site. Open Here.

2. Ruthin's Timber-framed Buildings. A leaflet describing a Heritage Trail to see these historic buildings has been produced, the relevant parts have been scanned and can be viewed here.

3. Gareth Evans ‘ paper on 'Country Houses and Estates in Dyffryn Clwyd’ which he presented to the Society in March 2023  can be seen  by clicking here: This is not a summary of his talk, but a full and learned piece of research.

4. Historic Buildings of Dyffryn Clwyd - a new  (2024) information leaflet about a Vale Trail, produced by local historians - most of them members of this Society, can be viewed here.





Using the Drop-Down menus above, you can: (If you are using a mobile phone, click on the 3-bar icon beneath the page title to access he menus.)

  • From the Home page, find out more about our Society, with contact details, and join if you wish!

  • Use the Archive and Members Papers menus to access some 45 topics which relates to the History of Ruthin and the surrounding area. This content continues to grow.

  • The Broadsheets menu will give you a digital 'reprint' of the 79 Broadsheets produced between 1985 and 2004  by a group of local historians.

We regret that we do not have the resources to produce a bilingual website.

After 6 years of operation, we are approaching 45,000 page visits - by a world-wide audience - which we think is quite impressive.!

Country Houses and Estates

The Ruthin Local History Broadsheets included many articles, mainly by David Williams, on the historic houses of the Ruthin area. Use this map key to go straight to the appropriate Broadsheet. 

In most cases these articles are the last one on each Broadsheet.

To enter, click on the map.

Country Houses and estates are also the subject of some archived papers - see the menus.


The Peers Memorial (The Town Clock)

This  landmark in St. Peter's Square is about to undergo a programme of restoration.


As part of the condition survey a drone examination of the memorial was carried out - and this also provides some wonderful views of our historic town centre. You can view the video (silent) taken by the drone here.  Sorry, this is currently unavailable - I am investigating!

You can read Gwynne Morris's story of Joseph Peers and his memorial in the Ruthin Local History Broadsheet No. 30, which is on this website and can be seen with this link   

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